
The field of energy is in perpetual evolution. Consult our page to remain informed about the important events and the current subsidies.

Bilan Carbone

Réduisez votre impact écologique ! Depuis une vingtaine d’années, l’enjeu écologique et plus largement les thématiques du développement durable sont (…)

Subventions énergétiques

Chaque année, le Canton de Genève accorde des subventions énergétiques importantes pour les mesures d’assainissement des bâtiments. Ce programme a (…)

Pay less tax !

Minergie buildings are exempt from supplementary property tax for 20 years ! Following the entry into force of law 10258, (…)


CECB stands for Cantonal Building Energy Certificate The energy certificate assesses the overall energy consumption and performance and ranks buildings (…)

IDC calculation

At EnerBat, we have accredited experts who can carry out the heating requirement index – known as “IDC” – calculations (…)

IPMVP Protocol

IPMVP stands for “International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol”. The IPMVP affects major consumers of electrical energy or heating. It (…)

Renovation of windows

Compulsory renovation of obsolete windows ! Since 1st February 2016, building owners have been under an obligation to renovate any (…)